Welcome to Gurobi AI Modeling!¶
aims to familiarize users with using generative AI for mathematical modeling.
This repository contains documentation that features the following:
Help users understand the capabilities and limitations of the state-of-the-art generative AI tools in the context of optimization.
Propose best practices for using generative AI to build and solve optimization models and describe common pitfalls.
Share examples of prompts and expected outcomes.
Describe tools that can help create and solve models.
- Writing your first prompt
- Example prompts
- A deeper look
- Custom GPTs
- Tips and pitfalls
- Write problems as unambiguous as possible
- Unexpected prompts can lead to unexpected behavior
- Should variables be considered divisible or not?
- Avoid unnecessary words or statements
- Supply all necessary (dummy) data
- Technical Issues
- Correct usage of gurobipy
- Other modeling Pitfalls
- Examples of LLM Reasoning limitations